  • Worry time!

    Lots of our children are worrying more and more than they ever have done before, and let’s be honest, they have a lot to worry about! I’m sure many of us can identify with feeling consumed by worries all the time, and one way to help our children with this is to encourage them to write them down as they experience them. We can then set aside a time each day – I usually recommend after dinner – to sit down with them and talk through the worries that they have had. The idea behind this is it allows our children to get the worries out of their head, and…

  • Getting ready for your first therapy session

    Starting therapy is scary for most of us at the best of times, but when you are young, it can be even more intimidating. When you feel like you’ve gone mad, and you seem to have lost total control of your thought process  sitting and talking to a stranger about it, on your own can feel incredibly scary! While most kids and teens are really keen to talk to someone about what is going on by the time they get to me, I appreciate that it can be quite overwhelming heading in to that first session. So here are a few tips that might be helpful: In the run up…